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The Multidisciplinary Department of Cardiology has ten cardiac surgeons and 35 cardiologists.


The catchment area represents more than two million people, located in Center and Eastern Quebec. Care, teaching, research and evaluation of technologies and modes of practice are the main missions of this highly specialized department.


The medical teams have national and international recognition in several areas of expertise in cardiovascular health.


More than 2,400 cardiac surgeries, 8,000 hemodynamic procedures and nearly 2,000 cardiac electrophysiology procedures place this clinical department among the top ranks in Canada.


Several of its clinicians also have a well-established researcher profile, and being linked to the Research Center translates into exceptional scientific productivity.


But above all because on November 10, 2021, I entered it and  I was going to have an open heart operation, which was going to change a lot of things...

My approach for the redesign of my logo:


Red  for the color of the heart.


Red diamond for its rarity and exceptional value.


Each nurse, nurse and orderly is exceptional in my eyes, for having helped me through this ordeal of life.






Faire un don!

How to make a donation?

Coeur et les mains

By clicking on the heart you will give directly to my Cyclo-Défi Les Coeurs Battants team!


For the first 40 people to make a donation of at least $50, we will give you a custom-made beanie with the Alex & Carbu-Diam logo.

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