What is HSS? In English we define it as follows: High Speed Steel in French we will define it as a tool called Superior Rapide Steel or even under the abbreviation ARS. According to the forecast for 2018, a great growth was foreseen that Carbu Diam has felt in the last two years: “High speed steel cutting tools (HSS) are showing a level of growth around the world that shows no signs of slowing down. The global market for HSS cutting tools is expected to grow by more than $ 10 million by 2020 ” (source: Global Industry Analysts) That being said, what are the advantages of using this material for our grinding wheels and what is the HSS that we use made of? The main reasons for using HSS are: Sharpness of the cut High resistance to wear Great property in terms of hardness but also efficiency Large sharp property And possible to have high productivity Lower production costs therefore a good quality / price ratio Produce extremely sharp cutting edges · Increase in the overall performance of the tool The composition of HSS can vary by a few percentages but as a general rule it is made up of: About 4% chromium, which will enhance hardenability and prevent chipping About 6% Tungsten, which will improve cutting efficiency and improve hardness and wear resistance. Molybdenum, derived from the production of tungsten, up to 10%. Will also influence cutting efficiency, hardness and quench resistance. Vanadium is present at about 2%, it is present in many minerals, forms very hard carbides for resistance to abrasion wear, increases wear resistance at high temperatures, as well as hardness resistance . Cobalt (up to 9%) improves heat resistance, hardness resistance and slightly thermal conductivity, while carbon (present at 1%) increases wear resistance and guarantees basic hardness .
- Alex Côté